Starting Somewhere
She says… such a great prompt now that I’m thinking about it. ? Lately I’ve been finding myself attempting to remain mindful of things that I say to myself, and others. As I was sitting here pondering what to write, those words started to feel heavier and heavier.
…?I thought about how all of our words and actions carry weight.
I thought of the positive and negative effects that they can have.
I paused on that inescapable nagging doubt at this moment of clarity.
Nope. I’m not staying there.
My mind flipped like a switch! & Instead, I chose to focus on the warm fuzzies I get when I think of what it’d be like if I made half of the dreams I’ve got come true. ?
I don’t know about you guys but, I’ve said I wanted some pretty outlandish things in my day! Things hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people consider doing in their lifetimes. Many of which, most probably never make happen. Truth be told, I might not be cut out for all of them just yet… but, one day I will be. ❤️ My heart skipped a beat. I kid you not.
My thoughts have got to be good! My mind has gotta be right!
My heart has to lead. My fear needs to step aside.
My words and actions need to matter! ?
She Says… this ought to be interesting! ? Cheers to the next chapter and sharing the journey as we’re always meant to!