
Team Why Can’t I

Team Why Can’t I is where it all began, where it begins and where you belong!

Our team is founded on the very question that stops way too many people from ever reaching their full potential.

How many times have you set your heart upon a goal and come up short?
How many times have you wondered if you were good enough?
How many times have you asked yourself if you deserved it?
How many times have you told yourself you couldn’t do something?
How many times has someone else made you believe you couldn’t achieve ANYTHING you set your mind to?

I know for me, all of those and others have happened a lot! I talk myself out of things all the time.
I let others opinions affect me, my thought process and ultimately my actions.
I allowed myself to believe that I got what I got because I deserved it. When really, I got what I got because I allowed it.

When I became a coach I knew that nothing would change overnight and I’d have a long way to go to become the person I have always dreamed of being. I knew that bringing that level of intensity to my workouts would be HARD. I knew that changing my diet was going to be unpleasant. (Food addicts/Emotional eaters will feel me there!) I knew that I’d have to focus time and energy into growing as a person, wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. I knew I wanted it. & I knew a thousand things that could make it feel impossible. I also knew it wasn’t.

My husband and I have had some deep talks on this and the one thing that came to mind when we had so many doubts and questions and fears was the same thing you are thinking today! “Why Can’t I?!”

Why can’t I do it? What makes me different than anyone else that has come before me, that walks alongside me or who will come after me? Why can’t I change my life? Why can’t I lead by example? Why can’t I be fit and healthy? Why can’t I find a better way to support my family? Why can’t I be successful? Why can’t I think a little further outside of the box? Why can’t I grow and get uncomfortable? What will it hurt to try? Why can’t I just try?! Why can’t I make this life better?… <3

Paul and I went on and on. 😉

We knew from that very second our team would be full of people who couldn’t accept being mediocre anymore! We want people who want more than the cards have dealt them, those who question everything, have determination for days and so many reasons to throw in the towel that it’s ridiculous. We see Team WhyCantI overflowing with people who are set on making the world better for themselves and those they love. We’re about the hard stuff, the good stuff and the real stuff. I

If you’ve been thinking about trying anything new at all and you’re hesitant or afraid remember those three little words… “WHY CAN’T I?!” I am certain you will see that in most cases the only thing standing in your way is you. & When you have no great comeback for the three words that bring down so many mighty plans… you’ll take that next step knowing YOU ARE UNSTOPPABLE!!
