Life Savers!
Life Savers… Do they really save lives? If you’re diabetic, you’re supposed to be able to throw a few in your mouth to help regulate your sugar in the event that it’s low. But what if you’re not diabetic? What kind of impact does they have on your body? “It’s only one…” “They’re so small…” “They can’t be THAT bad…” I never put much thought into it, but every day, when I’m at work, I probably consume about 15 of them. I’ve already eaten two this morning. After looking at the nutritional value, I’m going to think again before I reach for the next one.
One Wint-O-Green Life Saver is about 15 calories. Doesn’t sound like a lot does it? One serving is four pieces, so that’s 60 calories, 16g carbs, and 15g sugar. Lets say the average working days in a year is 252, according to someone on Yahoo Answers supposedly quoting Wall Street. If I take the 15 possible Life Savers a day that I eat, and multiply that by 252 days a year, I’m eating roughly 3,780 a year. That is 945 servings, a year!
That’s not so bad, right? I mean, I’m only eating one… But most of us don’t take into account that just one will quickly turn into five, 10, 15, then before you know it, 3,780. Did I really eat that many? I’m not sure. It was just an estimate. I would hope not, but then again I didnt keep track. Basically what I’m getting at is, just be conscious about what you’re putting in your mouth. Be you’re own Life Saver. 🙂