I don’t believe in magic pills!
This morning I have our National Wake Up Call on replay! <3
I’m learning what it takes to build an amazing organization and a team of people looking to change the world. 😉 Setting goals for retiring the hubs, earning 6 figures and sometimes my own personal must-dos’s gets scary. Becoming a leader like those I look up to though, will make it all worth it. I mean, it’s already so worth it! <3
I love having a job with PURPOSE especially since it’s sole purpose when I started out was just to better myself! It’s become so much more than that these days. I want to make the world a better place. I want to show people that they can do whatever they set their minds to. I want those who struggle silently to see that they don’t have to! It doesn’t matter if they are just trying to take off a few lbs or change the entire direction of their lives…. If they want to tone up for summer, learn to eat clean, improve their diabetes, regulate their blood pressure or get their head in a better space… What we do here, what we have to offer… it blows my mind!
Beachbody, their programs & the nutrition, has HELPED change my life.
You see, it isn’t just pushing play or drinking my shake that gets me results. It isn’t just following some meal plan that helps me learn to control my diet allowing me to drop pounds. It isn’t just staying connected with incredible people who help keep me moving in a forward motion. Saying it is any ONE of these things would be like drinking only water and expecting all the bad things to just float away! It would be like expecting these things to be magic pills. They aren’t. They are amazing in every sense of the word but NOTHING WORKS UNLESS YOU DO!
We have programs that have helped me sweat out every bit of my frustrations, so much of that crap I put into my body and ultimately some of the pounds. We have trainers teaching those programs that inspire and motivate for days. They even sometimes manage to cheer me on when I need it the most. BUT, if I don’t have it in me to push play or to not give up… it won’t work. It wouldn’t have worked. It wouldn’t be working. My diet is the same. Sure, superb meal plans with options for days, how-tos, tips, stuff to be learned everywhere… but if I’m not willing to try something new or follow the plan…. IT WON’T HAPPEN! Shakeology is no different either. & I swear by this stuff! It works! I’ve seen so many improvements from my acid reflux to digestion and energy to depression. However, if I didn’t to invest in it and myself… I would have never seen those changes. I wouldn’t continue to feel happier and healthier with each day that passes. 😉
Even that support system I have with my fellow coaches and teammates falls under that same cloud. If I don’t give everything I’ve got, share, reach out, ask for help, ask questions or build upon those relationships none of them would matter at all. They would just be names, faces and people I sort of know. Instead, i’ve found a family of friends who support each other no matter what. & They are without a doubt some of the best I’ve ever had! <3
All of this has changed my life because I have allowed it to. I have asked it to. & I have worked so very hard to make it so.
I don’t want a magic pill. I put my life where it is. I will take it where I want it to be.
I don’t want to wake up tomorrow and have things perfect.
I don’t want to instantly see the body I dream of in the mirror.
I have to earn it. I have to do this one day at a time. One fight at a time. One loss at a time.
I have to fail forward in order for it to BE everything it is mean to be… for me, to learn to be everything I am meant to be.
We didn’t get HERE overnight! We don’t deserve to get THERE any faster.
IF you think you have it in you to grow into the person of your dreams…
the person you have always wondered if you could be…
the person your family needs you to be…
the person your kids already believe you are…
the person you were meant to be…
Let’s take it all the way! Let’s cross that finish line together! Let’s build something MORE than this!
We all deserve MORE. We just have to decide what that means to us. I’ve decided.
I was “Made For MORE!”
So were you!